Beranda Penulis Dikirim oleh Michalis Efthymiou

Michalis Efthymiou

Michalis Efthymiou has over 9 years of experience within the financial service sector throughout the UK and Europe. He is a holder of both UK as well as EU-based qualifications and is listed amongst CySEC’s list of “certified advanced persons”. After spending 5 years in London where he operated as a financial advisor and an underwriter, Michalis then entered the market analysis sector. Additionally, he held training sessions and seminars in over seven countries across the globe and is now focused on providing investors with the required guidance to operate within the market with full confidence. His teaching methods are based on technical analysis, fundamental analysis and order flow analysis, as well as how to view the market from an institutional angle.

Perekonomian Inggris Berkontraksi Secara Tak Terduga! Inflasi AS Tetap Kaku

USA100 terus menjadi indeks dengan kinerja terbaik, meningkat sebesar 0,90% dan secara keseluruhan naik lebih dari 50% pada tahun 2023. Penggerak harga utama adalah...

Dua Mata Uang Utama Berkinerja Terbaik di Tahun 2023!

Pada tahun 2022, mata uang dengan kinerja terbaik adalah Dolar AS, yang mengungguli seluruh pasar. Hal ini sebagian besar disebabkan oleh Federal Reserve yang...