Home Authors Posts by Larince Zhang

Larince Zhang

长达八年的实盘操作与市场分析经验。涉足的金融产品包含外汇、大宗商品、股指、商品期货、指数期货以及股票。大学主修金融学,秉持着学以致用的心态务必把课堂上所学的知识与临场实践经验相结合。 经过多年交易经验的积累与总结,坚信“大道至简”四字箴言。价格的变动即是幕后人为交易买卖所驱使。坚信市场考验的不是技术,而是人心。唯有正确的交易认知、缜密的策略布局与严谨的资金管理,方才是成熟交易的真谛。

Bank Earnings Season: JPMorgan, Citigroup, Wells Fargo

The US banking groups JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo are set to report their third quarter 2023 earnings before the market opens this...

Made by Google – 4th October

Less than a month after Apple’s Wonderlust event, another tech behemoth - Google.Inc - shall host its Made by Google 2023 event on 4th...

Costco: What to Expect?

Costco is an American multinational corporation founded in 1983, which engages in the operation of over 850 membership warehouses through wholly owned subsidiaries. It...

FedEx Earnings Preview

FedEx Corp is an American multinational conglomerate holding company which engages in the provision of transportation and delivery services (FedEx Express), small-package ground delivery...

Adobe: Over 75% YTD Gains Prior To Q3 2023 Earnings Announcement

Adobe, Inc., an American software company founded in December 1982, is best known for its multimedia and creativity software products. It operates via three...

Apple: Bullish frenzy, muted, or sell-off after the launch of the iPhone 15?

Mark down the date - Tuesday 12th September  - this will be the day when Apple Inc shall announce its brand new iPhone 15...