Home Authors Posts by Larince Zhang

Larince Zhang

长达八年的实盘操作与市场分析经验。涉足的金融产品包含外汇、大宗商品、股指、商品期货、指数期货以及股票。大学主修金融学,秉持着学以致用的心态务必把课堂上所学的知识与临场实践经验相结合。 经过多年交易经验的积累与总结,坚信“大道至简”四字箴言。价格的变动即是幕后人为交易买卖所驱使。坚信市场考验的不是技术,而是人心。唯有正确的交易认知、缜密的策略布局与严谨的资金管理,方才是成熟交易的真谛。

E-commerce giant Vipshop undervalued following recent sell-off?

E-commerce is a competitive yet lucrative business, especially in China. According to Statista, the Chinese e-commerce market is estimated to generate revenue around $1,535B...

Glencore on a strong bullish trend

Recent news of economic sanctions towards Russia following its invasion on Ukraine have led to prices of a list of goods being skyrocketed, one...

Barrick Gold: Testing Key Level

Barrick Gold (#BarrickGold) is a Canadian-based company founded in 1983 which focuses on the production and sales of gold and copper, exploration activities and mine development....

Baidu: Q4 Earnings Outlook

Baidu, Inc. (#Baidu), a China-based tech behemoth specializing in internet services (Baidu Browser and Cloud, Baidu Baike and Baidu Knows, Baidu Map etc), social...

Home Depot Q4 earnings outlook

The Home Depot Company (#HomeDepot), a retailer of home and building materials with more than 2,000 major hardware stores in the US, Canada and...

Viacom CBS Q4 Earnings Outlook: Spotlight on 200-day SMA

Viacom CBS Inc. (#ViacomCBS), a global media and entertainment company, provides streaming services, digital video products, premium content and experiences, and production, distribution and...