US GDP Disappoints and USD stalls


The US Q1 GDP growth trimming to 2.0% from 2.2% undershot estimates thanks to a big boost in the Q1 chain price gain to 2.2% from 1.9%, which mostly reflected a big drop in the price index for imports that translated to a surprising real import boost and a big $5.9 bln downward bump in net exports. We also saw a larger than expected $6.3 bln downward inventory revision, but an offsetting big boost in intellectual property investment, along with the expected boosts in private and public construction and small downward bump in consumption. Final sales were unrevised at 2.0%, and Q2 GDP estimates remain around  4.0%. The surprisingly lean -$1.7 (was $4.6 bln) Q1 inventory contribution to GDP growth, which left an anemic $13.9 (was $20.2) bln accumulation rate, reflects the lean path for inventories since the 2015-16 petro-hit. Beyond inventories, the Q1 GDP figures extended the pattern of robust business fixed investment growth since early 2017, which now shows a solid 10.4% (was 9.2%) clip in Q1, along with the usual seasonal weakness in Q1 that manifested itself this time around in the form of weak Q1 consumption, residential investment, and inventories, and an import gain that extended a big Q4 surge. There appears to be a solid growth path for exports that reflects a faster growth rate for global GDP.

The dollar fell following the softer GDP revision and higher jobless claims (there was a 9k rise this week to 227k, expectations were for 220k and only a 2k rise) , taking EURUSD to 1.1599 from near 1.1580, and USDJPY to 110.10 from 110.23.

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Stuart Cowell

Senior Market Analyst


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